
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Some things..

So, to day I had hoped to get my craft room organized as I got some new lighting in there and it looks amazing.
But as life would have it, I did other things (slept in for one!)

I took my daughter to get her hair cut and we hit the mall for some walking and mom kid hanging out.

Anyway, here it is late, and Eastenders is on. So rahter then be distracted by trying to make something (with the exception of knitting since I am taking a week break from it), I cannot embroider and watch TV or make stitch markers, so I am bagging up set of markers for me to make at a later date, this way they just need to be twisted up and be done!

So I guess I am crafty, but in the sense of being precrafty crafty!

Ah, well, as I said the Eastenders are on and I have 8 solid episodes to watch until 5am, though I am sure I will pass out way before then!

Nighty night!


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