Cleanin' up and releasing old ghosts...
Posting more stuff to ebay during the huge cleansing of home and head '05I am borrowing my brother's cam to take pics and get as much out of here as possible.
I talked to my mom about this neat new HP printer/scanner picture thing and she offered to get it for me for a mother's day gift, but since my cam is dead it is a rather moot point.
So I spoke to D about me selling off junk and buying a new digi cam with it and he said how it would be a great idea for him and Juju to buy me one for mother's day and let my mom buy me a printer for whatever kind I want...
We are going tomorrow to look at this 5 mp kodak and if we are not happy witht he prices we find, we will probably go witht he 4 mp one. We looked at HP and Cannon, but for comprable stuff, we can get the kodak and I am pretty happy with the decision.
I have a paper to write and two presentations to prepare this weekend as well as catching up on my massive sociology homework and finish up all my stats labs and quizes in prep for the end of the semester.
The following weekend I will need to prep the rapist presentation and get my sch all settled and pay for my fees to hold my spot and laptop....
I really need to make myself to to do lists. I used to do them, but would always forget where they were or to take them with me.....
I so need to get more organized and get this place in shape again...I want my dining/craft room back from being a storage/garbage dump!!!!
I talked to my mom about this neat new HP printer/scanner picture thing and she offered to get it for me for a mother's day gift, but since my cam is dead it is a rather moot point.
So I spoke to D about me selling off junk and buying a new digi cam with it and he said how it would be a great idea for him and Juju to buy me one for mother's day and let my mom buy me a printer for whatever kind I want...
We are going tomorrow to look at this 5 mp kodak and if we are not happy witht he prices we find, we will probably go witht he 4 mp one. We looked at HP and Cannon, but for comprable stuff, we can get the kodak and I am pretty happy with the decision.
I have a paper to write and two presentations to prepare this weekend as well as catching up on my massive sociology homework and finish up all my stats labs and quizes in prep for the end of the semester.
The following weekend I will need to prep the rapist presentation and get my sch all settled and pay for my fees to hold my spot and laptop....
I really need to make myself to to do lists. I used to do them, but would always forget where they were or to take them with me.....
I so need to get more organized and get this place in shape again...I want my dining/craft room back from being a storage/garbage dump!!!!