I know I have neglected this journal.
A part of the problem is I have an LJ and a lot has been going on in my life, dad's surgery, having to put Chancie to sleep, massive piles of homework and studying...midterms starting yesterday....so much I feel like I am drowning.
Due to feeling like I need to cut crap from my life, my LiveJournal is friends only (meaning someone needs to join LJ and I have to add them to my friends list so they can even read my stuff).
I post personal stuff there and have deicede this needs ot be my craffting journal only.
I will probably post personal stuff, but due to the ease folks have of doing blog searches, not too much private info will be released here.
If you want to join me on LJ to read about my life, feel free.
it is located at
http://www.livejournal.com/users/melissaamy/and my user info is at
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=melissaamyI will try to keep up with what little crafts I have been busy making, but honetly, I cannot think straight right now, so I have been practicing purling like a mad woman, mainly because when I am exhausted is when I can focus on it and drown out the fact I h ave so much more I should be doing!
Anyway, I have two HUGE skeins of yarn (I am talking one is listed at 2 WPI on 15's, but I will be knitting it on 19's) that will be balled and knitted soon.
The hubby wanted me to knit scarves for his team at work, so I need to get busy doing that, I think I have to make 9 of them or so, two for women.
I have some great Japanese yarn I purchased a few weeks ago for Kathy's (hubby's team leader) scarf because I saw it and just knew it was for her.
Ok have to run, constitutional law midterm is early monday and I need to study, seriously study!